Awards Season is in full swing, while the Academy of Motion Picture’s sees 366 in contention for the coveted Best Picture Oscar.
What does it take to be in contention to be a nominated best picture at the Academy Awards? Well, we’re glad you asked. To be eligible for consideration under rules provisions implemented for the 93rd Academy Awards year only, feature films may open in a commercial motion picture theater in at least one of six U.S. metropolitan areas: Los Angeles County; the City of New York; the Bay Area; Chicago, Illinois; Miami, Florida; and Atlanta, Georgia, by February 28, 2021, and complete a minimum qualifying run of seven consecutive days in the same venue. Drive-in theaters open nightly are included as qualifying commercial venues in the above cities. Films intended for theatrical release but initially made available through commercial streaming, VOD service or other broadcast may qualify if the film is made available on the secure Academy Screening Room member site within 60 days of the streaming/VOD release or broadcast. Feature films must have a running time of more than 40 minutes. Despite Covid-19 interrupting filmmaking all throughout 2020, we are seeing a strong turn out by movie makers, showing us that even in the darkest of times, stories need to be told.
Let us know which films you’d like to see nominated this year for the Oscar.