Television, What to Watch
Apr 20, 2013


Photo Credit, FOX

For the first time this season one of the 5 talented girls will be going home. While last year’s girls were really strong, they eventually faltered and Phil Phillips went on to win the American Idol crown. I believe that this year’s girls are the strongest group in American Idol history and for the first time since Season 6 (Jordin Sparks) we will have a female American Idol champion. As they have for most of the season Angie Miller, Candace Glover and Kree Harrison dominated the night.

All three delivered two good performances last night. While both Amber Holcomb and Janelle Arthur had some good moments they were unable to match the performances of the aforementioned “Top 3,” and are in danger of going home. Based on her performances, Janelle should be going home. Let’s get to the results and see what the fans thought!!!

With very little fanfare, Ryan Seacrest announces that Candace Glover and Angie Miller are safe. In a mild surprise he then announces that Amber Holcomb is safe and in the “Top 3”. I didn’t see that coming. I thought Kree’s performances were clearly better than Amber’s and she deserved to be in the “Top 3.” That means that Kree Harrison and Janelle Arthur are this week’s “Bottom 2.” Quickly ending the suspense for Kree, Ryan Seacrest announces that Janelle received the least votes and has to sing for her life. She sings a good version of ‘You Keep Me Hanging On”, by the Supreme’s. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough and in a surprise move, the judges refuse to use their one and only save of the season. With that announcement Janelle’s journey comes to an abrupt end.

Listed below is my ranking for the four remaining contestants:

Angie Miller

Candace Glover

Kree Harrison

Amber Holcomb

In my opinion the “Top 3,” singers continue to be Candace Glover, Kree Harrison and Angie Miller. However, based on two of the best performances of the season, Angie has moved to the top of my rankings followed by Candace and Kree. It is going to be a dogfight between the three to determine a winner. While I love Amber, she is a step below the rest of the girls and unless she delivers two outstanding performances next week I expect her to go home.

American Idol Odds and Ends

• For the second week in a row I thought both the judges and Jimmy Iovine overrated the performances of Amber Holcomb. While I loved her second performance, her version of “Without You,” was just ordinary. This week the judges and Jimmy Iovine were right as Amber made the “Top 3.”

• I am looking for Amber Holcomb and Kree Harrison to be in next week’s “Bottom 2.”

• Nicki Minaj disagreed with Jimmy Iovine’s evaluation of Angie Miller’s performance of “Halo.” In a funny moment Nicki said “That Jimmy Iovine doesn’t know what he is talking about.”

• Season 2 finalist Clay Aiken, performed a good version of the Simon and Garfunkel hit, “Bridge Over Troubled Water.”

• Season 3 American Idol Champion Fantasia gave a strong performance of her new single “Lose To Win.” It reminded me why she won that year!!!

• American Idol announced the 2013 Summer Tour dates. The tour starts in St Louis, Missouri on June 29th and ends in Nashville, Tennessee on August 31st.

• Paula Abdul made a surprise appearance on tonight’s show to compliment Candace’s performance of her hit single “Straight up.” It was a very emotional appearance and Paula got a well deserved standing ovation from both the judges and the fans.

• The American Idol Finale is scheduled for Thursday, May 16th.

• Next week’s performance theme is rumored to be “One Hit Wonders,”, and “Contestant’s Choice.”