We have to let you guys in on an exclusive brand partnership with John Paul Mitchell Systems & American Made Supply Co., that will be the talk of the town! Where are our menswear fashionistas?
This new line was specially designed for John Paul Mitchell System salon owners, stylists, educators and business owners to represent its rich heritage and pride in Brand Identity. How awesome is that? Finally fashion designed for the beauty professional in mind.
To place your order of these sweet designs, be sure to log on to JPMS2018.com to be the first to own these limited-edition pieces from the inaugural collection designed by American Made Supply Co., exclusively for John Paul Mitchell Systems.
Here are a few interesting facts regarding this limited collection:
Catch a Q&A with the president of American Supply Co, J. Winklepleck below:
PPLA: What makes this partnership so exclusive and how does this collaboration between John Paul Mitchell Systems & American Made Supply Co. plan to make its way around LA social sphere?
JW: What makes the partnership exclusive is that the product line we created in partnership is only available at JPMS2018.com for a limited time only before their annual event “The Gathering” in July. It has made its way thru the LA Social sphere thru social media, brand ambassador partnerships, and a collaborative PR push between John Paul Mitchell Systems and American Made Supply Co.
PPLA: What was the initiative behind the brand partnership? What were some of the biggest motives for implementing this decision?
JW: Mitchell Systems company, and company culture as they not only make a fantastic product but seem to have more meaning behind the products they make and have been very active in aligning themselves in a very philanthropic way. When I found out they were looking to create a line of products that were 100% Made in America, I knew I wanted to work with them and put in a proposal to be considered as their vendor of choice. As we started doing the development, my team and their team clicked very well, and we were very aligned in how the line would look and feel and walla a partnership was born.
PPLA: Being that the collection is 100% California made does this mean that target audience is exclusive to California buyers or is this a brand that hopes to gain national traction with time?
JW: The collection isn’t limited to just Californians as we have garnered orders from all over the country and in other countries as well. The main component is that it is 100% Made in America, from our fabrics, to our cutting, sewing, packaging and finishing. We support making products domestically and over 200 people will help produce this line once it’s all said and done. Which to me is pretty cool!!!
PPLA: Who is the target consumer for this brand?
JW: Anybody that loves what Paul Mitchell Systems is about and wants great quality apparel. This partnership is not a typical collaboration as we are taking a leading hair and beauty company and merging it with an apparel company to come up with a unique line of products that are meant to be fun, casual, and feel great.
PPLA: There seems to be an environmental aspect behind the brand, noting that even packaging is in a sustainable/recyclable material, is there reasoning for this decision?
JW: One of the things both companies are very passionate about are being as sustainable as possible, so it was a very easy decision to use recyclable materials for our packaging, as those are usually thrown out the most.
PPLA: How affordable is this brand?
JW: We believe for the quality and what people are receiving the costs are under market value, as this partnership’s main focus was to create a fun apparel line that was made with the best materials and was not designed to be a huge profit center for either company. Anyone that was able to place an order online for the pre-sale will receive an amazing package in the mail as everything is custom and even has a special message for them once they open their package.
PPLA: Are the seven styles the sole options that consumers have to choose from? Can you detail what is included in the article options regarding styles, colors, and type of clothing?
JW: The 7 styles are the only apparel options that are available and the color and style options were chosen based on what we believed to be a perfect blend of both companies coming together.
PPLA: Where can consumers access the brand in order to shop?
JW: Consumers will be able to access the brand at JPMS2018.com for only a couple more weeks.
John Paul DeJoria, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board, John Paul Mitchell Systems also caught up with us and spoke positively of the the partnership that resulted in this unique brand.
JD: “John Paul Mitchell Systems is proud to partner with American Made Supply Company on our inaugural clothing line for the salon professional. As an American company that also manufactures our products in the LA area, we found a kindred synergy in our shared philosophies and cultures. With nearly 40 years of style in the professional beauty industry, JPMS is pleased to see our style extend into the apparel world through this creative collaboration and partnership with American Made Supply Company.”