The Global Goddess Festival is kicking off 2018 with it’s powerful roster of diverse women from around the world to offer expert discussions on living your best life possible. This virtual festival experience will bring together 35 global female experts and leaders who will host their own individual workshops and panels throughout the course of the 5-day online event. The theme of this year’s festival is IMPACT, which uses the word as an acronym to emphasize six words for achieving a positive global influence: I.ntuition, M.anifestation, P.assionate Purpose, A.uthenticity, C.reativity, and T.ribe.
Leading the P.assionate Purpose panel on day 3 is none other than “The Global Goddess” Marcelle Lashley-Kaboré (J. Marcelle), a producer, strategist, and philanthropist who has dedicated her work to affecting global change in the realm of women’s rights in underserved communities. Her panel appropriately titled: “Creative Vessel & Global Goddess”, will focus on Marcelle expanding how she uses her creative nature to enforce her role as the Global Goddess of Change.
“Passion is a very powerful tool while working to effect change on a large scale. It often requires you to step out of your comfort zone which can oftentimes be a very scary thing, but it’s through this that we learn how to step into our purpose.”
Registration for The Global Goddess Fest is completely free, and the virtual experience begins on January 8th, 2018 and will go on through January 12th, 2018. For additional information and to register for the event, visit