To the surprise of no one, Hollie Cavanagh was eliminated from American Idol last night. Hollie had been in either the “Bottom 2/3” five times over the course of the show and it was clearly her time to go. She has nothing to be ashamed of, she did an unbelievable job and it is a tribute to her that she made it all the way to the “Top 4.” Unfortunately, at this point in the contest the other contestants were just better than her.
It was impossible not to like Hollie , despite constant and sometimes unwarranted criticism from the judges, she kept a smile on her face and tried her best each week. She has earned my respect and over the course of the show had become one of my favorites. She definitely has talent and with her good looks, voice, and the right guidance, has the potential to be a star in the future. Remember she is only eighteen years old and will only get better. Before leaving, Hollie sang an encore performance of the Miley Cyrus song “The Climb”. I love Hollie and will definitely miss her.
Moving ahead, I think America got it right. The three reaming contestants have all earned their spots in the “Final 3”, and a trip to visit their home towns. You couldn’t get three more different and talented contestants and it could come down to a matter of style to decide this year’s American Idol champion. The contest is still wide open and with a good night any one of the three could still win. With two performance shows left, Joshua Ledet is still at the top of my rankings followed closely by Phil Phillips and Jessica Sanchez. Next week’s “Homecoming Week”, show should be a good one.
American Idol Odds and Ends
• This week American Idol fans cast nearly 70 million votes.
• International superstar Rihanna will perform her hit single “Where Have You Been” on the American Idol Grand Finale Wednesday, May 23rd!
• Hollie shouldn’t feel bad, both James Durbin and Chris Daughtry had 4th place American Idol finishes. While James career is just starting out, Daughtry has been one of the most successful American Idol performers of all time. I am rooting for the same type of success for Hollie.
• Jenifer Lopez and her boy friend Casper Smart gave an amazing performance of her hit single “Dance Again”. It was definitely worth watching!!!
• Season 7 American Idol winner David Cook returned to the stage to sing his new single “The Last Song I’ll Write For You.”
• While you can’t compare Jennifer Lopez’s voice with Christina Aquilera’s, Christina could definitely learn something from the American Idol judge when it comes to fashion. Jennifer’s outfits, hair, and makeup have been absolutely perfect. Fashion wise, Christina’s appearance as a judge on The Voice has been an absolute disaster.
• Phil Phillips definitely had a moment the other night, his performance of Volcano was in my opinion the best of the night and could carry him all the way to a spot in the final show.
• Despite originally predicting that Jessica Sanchez would be the next American Idol, I am now predicting an all male finale of Joshua Ledet and Phil Phillips.