If you want to know the future listen to the generation that comes after you. When it comes to music it is clear the times have changed for teenagers and pop has become truly popular again. At only sixteen years old, Maddie Kae very much represents her generation.
Considered one of the rising stars of the Nashville circuit Kae has garnered the attention of top industry names like The Zac Brown Band and is considered to be the new Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears. With a music video on its way Kae is on the verge of pop success. Press Pass LA had the chance to sit down with Kae and discuss not only her reasons for getting into the industry so young but why she feels pop music is important to everyone.
PPLA: What was the defining moment that got you into music?
KAE: I was in Orlando, Florida doing a competition and I was singing an Italian opera and it was me and 800 other contestants. And I won, it got my heart racing. That’s when I realized I stood a real chance of becoming a profession singer.
PPLA: What made you want to be a professional musician at such a young age?
KAE: I was so close with my grandma, and she just had this way with me. She could always calm me down when no one else could. And after she died something about music just took over me. If I was listening to music or singing it would take me back to her. She used to be a gospel singer and she passed up. Music was what was left of her and she didn’t get chance to do it so I want to do it for her.
PPLA: Whom do you consider your influences?
KAE: Audrey Hepburn, I’ve read every single book that has ever been written about her. Her story behind how she became a dancer really made a big impact and I also respect individuals like Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga who were criticized for what they were doing and they kept going. I’m a teenager in high school and it can set a good example to have a role model like that.
PPLA: What drew you to pop music?
KAE: I like how it can tell a story and connect with young people and it so motivating. Some critics can say its bubblegum and there’s no depth to it. It just means so much to me. I feel like my song “Being Me” is what teenagers are saying. You shouldn’t try and make yourself something you’re not. It doesn’t have to be a really serious song to have an impact.
PPLA: What is next for you? What are your future plans?
KAE: I just got signed with Taylor Morrison and I’m flying to Nashville to record five new songs and cutting a music video called “Shut Up and Kiss Me.” It’s such a great song and its really fun and Zac Brown’s nephew is going to be playing my boyfriend in the music video. It’s going to be so much and it will be absolutely breathtaking.
To check out Kae’s new single go to Maddiekae.com. Watch thisvideo interview with Maddie.