Jul 10, 2015


It’s official! Marisa Tomei has been cast as Aunt May in the upcoming Spider-Man reboot.

With the announcement of this latest casting decision, it has received a large amount of backlash on social media from fans of the franchise. It’s not that Academy Award winning actress doesn’t have the acting abilities to pull this off. However, fans are deeming Tomei as “too young” and “sexy” to portray Aunt May.

The original Aunt May from the comics.

The original Aunt May from the comics.

In the Spider-Man comic books and previous film adaptations, Aunt May is portrayed as an elderly grey-haired woman. In the Tobey Maguire series, Rosemary Harris held the role of Aunt May—she was 74 at the time. In the Andrew Garfield reboot, Sally Field portrayed Aunt May—she was 66 at the time. Tomei is only 50!

Despite this news, the Tom Holland-starred reboot is expected to hit theaters July 28, 2017. Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal are set to produce the film.

How do you feel about Marisa Tomei being cast as Aunt May?