Apr 19, 2022

‘Meltdown: Three Mile Island’ is a Bone Chilling Documentary Coming to Netflix This May

Netflix drops the trailer to a bone chilling documentary series in Meltdown: Three Mile Island.

This gripping four-part documentary series tackles the near catastrophe at Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania through the lens of chief engineer and whistleblower, Richard Parks, as well as the community it impacted. Insiders recount the events, controversies and lingering effects of the worst nuclear incident in U.S. history. Meltdown: Three Mile Island is only on Netflix May 4.

From Kief Davidson, Director & Executive Producer:

“I believe the lessons of MELTDOWN resonate far beyond the events of 1979. Even as we expose the complex web of corporate greed which nearly led to our radioactive ruin, we find the small acts of bravery that changed the course of history. We need to learn from the Three Mile Island disaster as we face the current climate and energy crisis.”