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Feb 20, 2023

Music Crush Monday: Latto

Latto is an upcoming artist to watch, we’re currently crushing on her new single “Lottery.”

Image Still: Latto VEVO

Latto’s single “Lottery” was directed by Chandler Lass and is a fun feminine take on a music video about power for a female artist. She has a pretty raw rap style, but we’ve noticed that her latest singles have had strong elements of pop in them which is certainly broadening her listening audience. The track feature’s Lu Kala which makes for a fun and dynamic pairing between the two women that adds another layer of depth to the single. “Lottery,” is a fun catchy tune, and while the song has some sexual references, at its core the song is about having standards and knowing your value (or what you deserve) as a woman. Let us know what you think and if you’ll be putting it in your music playlists below.