Interviews, Music
Nov 14, 2014


We last sat down with New Politics in Cincinnati, OH at Bunbury Music Festival back in July. The gentlemen of New Politics rocked out the Bunbury stage as part of the stop on their tour with Fall Out Boy & Paramore. David Boyd, Soren Hansen and Louis Vecchio took a few moments after their performance to speak with Press Pass LA and mentioned that they’re always writing new music for a new album.

Lucky for us fans, they made good on that promise releasing their brand new single “Everywhere I go (Kings and Queens)” back in September and dropping the official music video November 12th, 2014. “Everywhere I Go” comes from their new album Vikings which is set to release in February 2015 on DCD2/Warner Bros records.

Boyd took a few moments away from giving his band mates break dancing lessons and headlining their nationwide US tour to have a chat about everything that’s happened since we talked last.

PPLA: So, David, you three have been very busy finishing an extensive tour with Fall Out Boy and Paramore and now are in full swing on your headlining tour Everywhere I Go. Yet managed to release your new single and shoot a video for it. As of right now (at the time of the interview) it already has over 25,000 views on YouTube.

DB: Oh really? I haven’t even seen it myself, that’s a really great start!

PPLA: Well, you aren’t too far behind, only about 25,000 people including myself. Why haven’t you seen it yet? Your crazy schedule? It was only released yesterday (November 12th) so that’s totally understandable.

DB: *laughs* Actually, it’s more so because I’m critical of myself. I don’t like to see myself on stage or in videos. I just find myself nitpicking on things I personally could have done better or differently. I’ll see it eventually but for now I’ve seen the rough cuts.

PPLA: That’s so interesting. Usually people are super excited to see the final product, especially us in the Entertainment business. I do have a very specific question regarding the video *spoiler alert* why does the faces of the ‘bad guys’ melt off during the video?

DB: *laughs* We don’t try to put too much meaning behind things, especially videos. The song is so personal and about people who thought we were crazy when we first started out, who thought that we were nothing. That mixed with the song’s energy, paying homage to The Beastie Boys and this roller coaster ride we’ve had since we started made us want to throw something unknown into the video. Whatever the viewers wanted to interpret into it. We wanted to put an extra fantasy into it look back in 5 years and be like “Oh my god, we totally did that!”. We all love X-Men, fantasy, and sci-fi so we liked having a bully or person who comes in and tries to ruin things.

PPLA: Ah yes. My interpretation is that those two bad guys go around destroying things, and they come upon your party looking to vanquish the fun and you defeated them by rocking their faces off.

DB: *laughs* Essentially! That’s a great interpretation.

PPLA: Your video for Everywhere I Go (Kings and Queens) is on your new album Vikings. Is the obvious title inspiration New Politics currently being 2/3 Danish? I could be wrong but Vecchio sounds Italian to me. Did you make Louis an honorary Viking? Or was there some other inspiration for it?

DB: Lou instigated the title name, it’s been this internal joke in the band. We (David and Soren) get patriotic. It’s something we do at home, Louis likes to join in and we all thought it was really funny.

PPLA: Well, the phone interview omnipotent (woman at the record label) has given us the “one more question” notice. So, as a personal curiosity are the band members in charge of your social media or does someone a manager, PR Representative, evil genius etc. run it? I always find the most awesome candid photos, live shots and random hilarious things like your faces superimposed on puppies everywhere.

DB: The band comes up with these internal trends, and we tell the management or they hear about it. So they make it happen and take it to the next level. A lot of the stuff comes naturally just from goofing around and being with each other so much.

I for one am always interested in seeing what the band has been up to. They really do have such a fun and interesting presence and vibe about them in general. If you want to check them out on tour in the upcoming months, give them a listen, check out their social media and their newest video go to Also, don’t forget to stop by the Press Pass LA Facebook page to see photos of New Politics from their Columbus, OH tour stop on November 21st, 2014.

New Politics Article/Photos

YouTube Video Link