L.A. Local, Underground, Up & Coming
Apr 1, 2015


Los Angeles is full of great people who have dreams and aspirations to make it big! Then there are awesome people who work behind-the-scenes because their passion lies in working with our big screen favorites to make their worlds a better place. Juls Bindi is one of those great people.

ZuGoPet_JulsBindiShe’s been a physical therapist to many of our favorite stars for over ten years and her healing hands have done so much to help their overall health and personal well-being. Now, Juls is using her passion and healing power to help something else: dogs and small pets with travel anxiety. Yes, her new focus is in her new company, ZuGo Pet.

An avid pet lover and rescuer of animals, Juls has done years of research on travel safety for pets and is ready to fill a void in the industry with her revolutionary, multifunctional pet carrier. Her Kickstarter campaign  launched today, April Fools Day, and takes aim at pet owners to bring awareness to “foolishness” when it comes to the safety and care of pets. Juls took some time to chat with us about her mission. Read below!

PPLA: Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, Juls. Can you tell us a little bit about ZuGo Pet and why people and celebs everywhere should want one?

JB: ZuGo Pet is a business that focuses on safety, supporting animal rescues and revolutionizing the way pets travel. Anyone who cares about their animal’s safety will love it. I read a story about a woman who was driving with her Chahuahua on her lap, got in to a car accident and her airbags deployed. This woman had to surgically remove her dog out of her body because bone fragmentations were lodged into her ribs. It freaked me out and really hit home. I have a small dog that travels everywhere with me. In my mind I didn’t want this disaster to be repeated. So, I developed a bag that would allow pets to see out of the windows, not be in your lap and help alleviate their anxiety so they would feel safe and comfortable. No one wants to surgically remove their pet from their body. Period.

PPLA: Your background is pretty cool. You’re a physical therapist to many celebs and powerful people here in Hollywood, why the change to push ZuGo Pet?ZuGoPet_JulsBindi

JB: I have been a massage therapist for 10 years now. I really love my practice and the clients I have worked on for years. I feel like a part of their family. Push isn’t the word I would choose but more of a vibrational synchronization. I have been working on ZuGo Pet as a side passion for 5 years. I have gone through several prototypes with the love and support from family, clients and friends especially one in particular Max Amini which helped me develop a final product ready to hit mainstream market.

PPLA: Your website shows that some of our favorite celebs like Tamar Geller, Stacy Keibler, Jaleel White and others support what you’re doing with ZuGo Pet. Are any great celebs helping in any way with your Kickstarter?

JB: Behind the scenes Jaleel, Stacy and Tamar have already contributed in a major way. My Kickstarter launched today – April 1st. It’s only the beginning. I am very blessed to have such a strong group of friends and family supporting such a great passion project of mine.

PPLA: If you could choose five influential celebrities you’d share your bag with, who would you encourage to get a ZuGo Pet bag and why?

JB: 1) Ellen DeGeneres: She’s an amazing vegan entrepreneur, strong, vibrant being who founded The Halo Foundation specifically to enhance the well-being of pets and people who love them. We have the same mission to help animals and people all around us and look up to her in more ways than I can list. 2) Oprah Winfrey: She’s passionate about animals, awarded the PETA award in 2008, has 5 dogs and a heart of gold. I would be honored if she loved my product and DNA behind my company. 3) Serena Williams: She’s an inspiring athlete, 2x Oympian gold medalist, brand ambassador dog lover and owner. 4) Sandra Bullock: She’s an animal advocate and rescuer. Not only do I admire her as an actress, person and mentor for many other reasons, but she rescued three dogs from the California Animal Shelter all with special needs. Poppy is a Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix with three legs, Ruby is a two-legged Chihuahua, and BeBe is a Chihuahua that’s missing an eye. 5) Miranda Kerr: She has an adorable Yorkie! She always has her dog with her on shoots, has great fashion sense and a strong love for her little Frankie. I would love if she had Frankie sport my ZuGo Pet collection line.

ZuGoPet_JulsBindiPPLA: Tell us about why you’re using Kickstarter to fund this great project of yours?

JB: Kickstarter is a new platform that a lot of new startups in LA and around the Nation are using because it helps build community around passionate people who want to bring their dreams to life. I need the help of backers and pet lovers to spread the word that there is a new product out that cares about pets safety. What better way to do that than with a platform that helps build community and awareness at the same time.

PPLA: Do you recommend other people use Kickstarter as a means to fund their new companies and ideas? What advice would you personally share with them?

JB: Yes I would recommend Kickstarter for anyone who needs funding to get started. But just because you have a good idea it doesn’t mean it will get funded or people will buy it. It take months of pre campaigning, social media prepping, not having an outrageous goal and try to raise at least 35-40% of your total fundraising goal on day one. I have a strong PR company behind my project (NRPR) who believes in my project and me. Friends and family who are supporting and my celebrity clients cheering me on all help make Kickstarter a great place for all that energy to come together.

PPLA: You’re planning to donate at least $1 of every sale to rescue dogs from kill shelters. Are there any particular shelters in LA you’re working with?ZuGoPet_JulsBindi

JB: I’m current working with Dogs Without Borders. I would love for other non-profits to reach out to me anytime and see if they would be a good fit to become a ZuGo Pet affiliate.

PPLA: Anything else our readers should know about ZuGo Pet and your great Kickstarter campaign?

JB:  We are only selling a minimum quantity on our Kickstarter at a discounted price. I recommend pre ordering on April 1st to be sure to lock in your order. These will sell out.