We’re kicking off this Monday with 5 Seconds of Summer’s hit “Teeth”. The Aussie band 5 Seconds of summer burst onto the scene with their…read more >
Blog Archives

Photo Credit, Dirt Junior Press Pass LA sat down with ex-Biohazard frontman Evan Seinfeld in the 110 degree temperatures at Mahyem Fest, San Bernadino, to…read more >

Photo Credit, Kristin Burns PPLA recently had the opportunity to interview San Diego’s 2012 winner for Best Alternative Band, The Burning of Rome. We spoke…read more >

PPLA had the chance to chat with rising Chicago-based band Hawthorne Effect. We spoke with their front man and songwriter John Jauch about their latest…read more >

They say that fame changes a person; that once someone becomes successful in entertainment that they forget who they are and where they come from….read more >