There is alot of buzz surrounding celebrity wishes, series renewals and brand new movies hitting the big screen this year. We thought the best way…read more >
Blog Archives

Sure, there was a lot of action on the field for Super Bowl LI…how ’bout that Patriots comeback! But, there was also a lot of…read more >

We must admit, all of the Los Angeles rain has us daydreaming of the summer sunshine we are used to! Apparently, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson…read more >
With the recent announcement of Kelly Rohrbach being the newest member to join the movie version of the iconic 1990’s television series Baywatc, the well-toned,…read more >

Seth Gordon is in talks to direct Paramount’s film adaptation of the hit television series, “Baywatch”. Apparently, Gordon is the kind of director that Paramount…read more >