We discover Barry is not Amanda Deibert’s type, that we all have a price tag to compromise ourselves, and discuss that online is the future…read more >
Blog Archives

Chrissy and guest co-host Nathan Hall discuss how anytime is a good time for a drink, the most emotional disturbing acting exercise, and get to…read more >

Barry keeps pushing Chrissy is Bob’s Big Boy’s lost twin, Erica Rhodes of A Prairie Home Companion, dashes in and delights, and we learn Barry…read more >

Chrissy & Barry learn the art of being gorillas, mimes and statues, they chat about where all the great character actors are disappearing to, and…read more >

Chrissy & Barry find out how Actor’s Comedy Studio became as jumpin’ as it is today with Gunnar Rohrbacher.

Press Pass LA is thrilled to announce that we will be the special guests on The Inside Noise Show tomorrow with hosts Chrissy Carpenter and…read more >

Chrissy Carpenter & guest co-host John Winscher of The Inside Noise Show discover their radio alter egos, debate weird art and interview the founders of…read more >