Everyone knows the economy is bad and the job market is tougher than ever…but what if you literally had to compete to the death to get hired? That’s pretty much the premise of The Employer which premiered last night in Los Angeles at the Regent Theater.
It’s all or nothing for this job interview, literally! Five people wake up locked in am interview room, after being drugged and kidnapped, only to discover they are all vying for the same job with the mysterious Carcharias Corporation. The catch? It’s a job you literally have to kill for. With each body, a code that unlocks one of four locks is given to the remaining job goers. In a turn of events…SPOILER ALERT… the weakest man ends up trumping everyone and walking out alive.
The film was written and directed by Frank Merle and stars Malcolm McDowell, David Dastmalchian, Paige Howard, Michael DeLorenzo, Matthew Willig, and Katerina Mikailenko. The premiere was followed by an after-party at the W Hotel in Hollywood featuring cast and celebrity supporters. The film is currently in limited release in major cities nationwide.
Paige Howard spoke with Press Pass LA on the red carpet saying that working on the film was fantastic. “You get to go to set everyday and feel like you have a family. We were filming in close quarters for the vast majority of the time but it creates a sense of play and invites all sorts of risks as an actor. We made all kinds of friendships and relationships on set. It was a wonderful experience.”
Star Malcolm McDowell, known for his off-kilter roles said that he actually likes playing ‘ordinary guys’. “I don’t get to play too many of them. But I’m living in hopes!” He plays the role of The Employer in the film, revealing the situation to the captive job-hunters. Guess he will have to keep hoping!
To find out more, please visit The Employer.