Everybody comes to Hollywood with a dream. Becoming the next big actor, director, producer, is par for the course as far as dreams go. The truth about Hollywood is now more than ever, these dreams have a real shot at coming true.
When a city full of creative minds meets the technology and new media of the current industry, it allows more people to become affordable filmmakers and anything is possible. One group taking their dreams into their own hands is the team behind the comedic short Time to Kill…hint, even the title is a great play on words!
The film centers around Harris, a supposed hit-man, who seems to have well…time to kill…as he waits for his target Shekky to arrive home. The rest you will have to wait to see as we can’t reveal any plot twists as the film is currently submitting to the festival circuit. We will say, Harris ends up working like a dog! Wink Wink!
Time to Kill is directed by Justin Rettke, produced by Cindy Hong and written by Christopher T. Wood, Justin Rettke and Scott D. Frank. Starring Christopher T. Wood as Harris and Deacon Ledges as Shekky.
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UPDATE! 10/15/2014
Time To Kill, is now an award winning film. The team took the award for Achievement in International Filmmaking at the SoCal Independent Film Festival and Most Excellent Short Film at the Other Venice Film Festival. Michael Pessah was also nominated for cinematography at the SoCal Independent Film Festival.