Books, Featured - Video, Film Trailers
Apr 24, 2018

Trailer Tuesday: Crazy Rich Asians

YES! Crazy Rich Asians looks as dazzling as it’s book series counterpart created within it’s pages. 

This stellar story stars Constance Wu, and new comer Henry Golding (who is so swoon worthy). The story follows this couple as they face the insane realities of the uber rich, as it collides with traditional mainland stereotypes. After all what does it mean to be American born Chinese vs. Mainland Chinese? The book series ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ by Kevin Kwan gives a delightful and comedic view into modern day Singapore and New York lifestyles of the uber elite Asian community. This film is a long time in coming. And we can’t wait here at the office. If you can’t either we suggest you snag a copy of the book

Get ready for a wild ride through some of the most incredible scenery in South East Asia, eclectic characters we can all relate to on any level, and step by step hilarity you won’t want to blink for. We’re thrilled to see more diversity on the big screen. Be sure to go out and support this talented cast, with a script you’ll be sure to fall for.