Quentin Tarantino’s highly anticipated film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has finally revealed it’s trailer. We can thank the Cannes film festival, as the trailer dropped just ahead of the Cannes screening.
This star studded cast has us on edge to discover the latest work in Tarantino’s epic film library. To work with Tarantino is to work with a director whose last name has become a verb. Is it Tarantinoesque? It’s a Tarantino….long ago when Quentin Tarantino set out to make movies, we’re sure he didn’t imagine this level of infamy. Or perhaps he did. His movies are famous for their capability to shock and awe moviegoers. He wows the critics, and fellow actors adore working with him. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood‘s trailer makes the film seem to fill the larger than life lifestyles of late 60’s Hollywood. The cast is breathtaking, A-listers from Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Margot Robbie, Dakota Fanning, and Luke Perry are all assembled for this ensemble performance. Will you be snagging tickets in advance? We can’t wait. We haven’t been this excited for one of his films since Inglorious Basterds debuted.